Hi all,
Sorry it's been a while between updates! There are a couple of things going on which as parents you'll probably be interested to know...
Kidz Church - The Over the Edge programme is now into its sixth week. The kids have been having a huge amount of fun as part of a live studio audience in the Over the Edge extreme lifestyle show, with stuntmen, celebrity extreme bikers, and those crazy clowns, the Brave Brothers. Coming up in week seven is the Have a Go studio audience acts, where kids can showcase unusual talents, as well as singing, lip synching, dancing, and other great acts.
The other areas are also going through a period of growth (to say the least!), and as a result, we are looking at utilising the upstairs space in a different way which will mean that there will be more room for everyone!
Feeding Mums Room - As there are currently something like 15 feeding mums and a space which allows for five mums at a stretch, we are looking at expanding into the creche area so that there is a comfortable welcoming environment for feeding mothers. The current room will be used as a sleep room. There will be no formal programme in this room, just a welcoming atmosphere which mothers can enjoy the service via the audio feed.
Creche - Creche will move over to where the current Little Knights reside, and will cater for up to three year olds. There will be a new programme in place, which will include mat time, music time, activity time, and free play time. A video feed will be made available so that parents may still enjoy the service.
Little Knights - Little Knights are going to break out into the upstairs area. We are looking at setting up workstations as well as some awesome free play toys. Due to the fact that they are a more active bunch, this area will focus on delivering a quality programme for the children, so a service feed may not be available.
Little Knights will be the first area to start shifting, with a "Gypsy Day" to occur sometime in the next month. I'm currently looking at this being a celebration event, with a party atmosphere. Any parents who would be keen to help, contact me at the
Christian Centre office.
Finally, it would be awesome to have some more volunteers in order to supplement the great work that is already taking place. If you'd like to help once a month or once a term, again, contact the church office.
Hopefully, this post/email will become a regular feed which you can use to keep in contact with what is happening in this vital area.
Blessings to you and your Family.
Mr Ray