Thursday, February 22, 2007

Team night!!

Team night is on tomorrow night @ Church of Christ for Friday Knights. It should be an absolutely fantastic night - and as the kids are going to be dressed up as superheroes, don't worry too much if they want to wear their y-fronts on the outside! Watch this space for photo evidence (i.e. the kind that comes out at a child's 21st birthday party....)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

God’s Amazing Creations - Little Knights Term 1

Genesis 1 – The creation story

Over the first few weeks of 2007 Little Knight’s are marvelling at how creative our God is. We are watching in awe the development of a Monarch Butterfly. As the caterpillar grows and develops into a beautiful butterfly, God too created us to grow and develop into his beautiful creation.

“When he had finished, God saw that everything he made was very good.” (Gen 1:31)

Mission 1:8

MI Kidz is absolutely rocking along... the kids were able to decode a particular challenging activity (many of the leaders looked like they had completed a five star difficulty Soduku by the end...) in order to recieve their mission card!!
Coming up, the Kids Church kids are going to continue to recieve spy gear as the term goes on...
(Oh and BTW the memory verse for this term is Acts 1:8, but it is on a need to know basis only...)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Spy Kids...

The first MI: Kidz week seemed to be a great success, with the drama being a highlight. The drama revolves around two everyday, normal kids, James and Ruby, who are contacted by HQ to go on a mission to save the world...
Just continue to encourage your kids to come dressed in sunglasses and spy gear, and ask them what they remember and most like about kids church on Sunday. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Finally, Friday Knights starts up again on 7 February @ the new venue of Church of Christ on Yarrow Street. The theme is Mission: Impossible and should tie in really well with the Sunday program. Year 5-8 students should wear dark clothing, and may get a little messy...
Thanks for being so supportive over the last couple of weeks, and I look forward to continuing to see what exciting things God has in store for this awesome ministry in the coming months.